Monday, 25 April 2016

Class 6-L-1 Earth and The Solar System

Earth and The Solar System

Ex A.
1.All the objects in the sky are called celestial bodies. Like the sun and the Earth.
2.Proxima Centauri
3.150 million kilometres
4.The Moon
5.Neil Armstrong
8.Halley's comet

Ex B.
1.A group of stars forming a definite pattern is known as a constellation.For eg.The Great Bear

2.Millions of stars together form a group called galaxy. Our Solar system is a part of the Milky Way galaxy.

3.The moon takes 27 days and 8 hours to go around the earth once.

4.An object designed by man to revolve around the earth or any other heavenly body is called an artificial satellite.For example INSAT satellites.

5.The small heavenly bodies revolving around the sun between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter are called asteroids.They are also called minor planets.
Ex C
1.They were important to navigators because they help them to determine the north direction before the invention of the magnetic compass.

2.On a clear night ,you might be able to see a faint band of light in the sky.This is called the Milky Way or Akashganga.Our galaxy is Milky Way in which our Solar system exists.

3.Venus is the brightest planet in the night sky.It is also known as morning star or evening star.
Mars looks red and is called the red planet.
If you look at Saturn through the telescope you will see rings around this planet. 
4.When meteoroids enter the earth's atmosphere and start burning.These burning pieces cause a flash of light as they fall,and they are called shooting stars or meteor.

Ex D.
1.The sun ,the eight planets,the moons and the other celestial bodies that move around the sun make up the solar system.

2.The planets have two types of motions-rotation and revolution.
Rotation-Every planet spins on its axis,which is called rotation.The earth takes 24 hours to complete one rotation.
Revolution-All planets revolve around the sun in the anticlockwise direction,called revolution.The earth takes 365 days to complete one revolution.

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