Friday, 6 May 2016

Class 6 Civics Revision L-1

Revision Civics L-1
I.fill ups:

1.South Indian languages belong to ______ group.
2.In a ____________ family ,property passes from mother to daughter.
3.Large turbans are worn in the state of_________.
4.Pherans are worn in the state of ___________.
5.A Muslim prays in a ________.
6.The people living in ________ area eat a lot of fish.
7.__________ belongs to Tamil Nadu What Kathakali is to Kerala.
8.The languages and dialects used in India are ________.
9.Pashmina shawls are made in _______.
10._______ is a Hindu festival celebrated by many who are not Hindus.

II.Name the following:
1.The smallest social group is _______.
2.The presence of wide range of features and qualities________
3.Place known for its Blue and White pottery__________
4.Snake boat race belongs to _______.
5.How many recognised languages does India have?

III.Answer the following questions:

1.Name the three kinds of social groups.
2.Why do people in cold places eat a lot of non-vegetarian food?
3.Give one example to show that climate influence the way people dress.
4.What is a family?name two main types of families based on the number of members.
5.Give example to show that different people do the same thing differently.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Class 4 S.St.Holidays Homework.

Class 4
S.St.Holidays Homework

Make a scrap book on the following:
1.Collect information and pictures of any two neighbouringcountry of India.
Mention the following:
a)Capital b)food c)festival d)flag
Paste pictures of the above and also map of the country should be pasted.

2.Paste pictures of 5 different sources of water
-Write 5 uses of water
-5 ways in which people waste water
-5 ways to save water

3.On a political map of India colour and write names of the 11 given states.
Paste the map in the scrap book.

Class 5 English Holidays Homework

Class -5
English Holidays Homework

1.Make a descriptive and colourful chart on any two parts of speech.(10 Marks)

2.Out of all the poets given in the book,select any one poet and write a poem of that poet other than given in the book on an A4 size coloured sheet.Paste a picture of the poet also.(5 marks)

Class 6-I unit test Geogtaphy revision

Revision - Geography L-1
I.Name the following:
1.The hottest planet-
2.The coldest planet
3.Red planet
4.Morning star
5.Fourth planet
6.Blue planet
7.Closest heavenly body to the earth
8.The star nearest to the sun
9.A constellation
10.A galaxy
11.Closest planet to the sun
12.Distance of the sun from the earth
13.A planet that has rings around it
14.An artificial satellite
15.A dwarf planet
16.A comet
17.First man to walk on the moon
18.brightest thing in the night sky
19.No. Of days the moon takes to complete one rotation around the earth
20.Other name for asteroids

II.Define the following:
6.Solar System
7.Artificial satellite
8.Shooting stars

III.Answer the following questions:
1.Why were the pointers important to the navigators?
2.Explain the types of motions of planets.
3.Why is life found only on earth?
4.Why is Neptune the coldest planet?

IV.Draw a labelled diagram of the solar system.

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Class 6- History L-1 Revision

Revision History L-1
I.Define the following:
6.Source Material

II.Name the following:
1.A person who studies the past events-
2 .An example of both archaeological and literary source material-
3.An ancient script-
4. An ancient language-
5.writings on walls and rock-
6.Name the island continent on which Bharatavarsha was situated-
7.Who were the first to use the name India?
8.An example of religious literature-
  1. An example of Secular literature-

III.Answer the following questions:
1.Mention three types of information that coins provide?
2.What kind of information can a historian get from the study of inscriptions?
3.Explain what you understand by BC and A D.
4.What was the progress made by man during the ancient period?

Class 6 Revision History

Revision History L-1
I.Define the following:
6.Source Material

II.Name the following:
1.A person who studies the past events-
2 .An example of both archaeological and literary source material-
3.An ancient script-
4. An ancient language-
5.writings on walls and rock-
6.Name the island continent on which Bharatavarsha was situated-
7.Who were the first to use the name India?
8.An example of religious literature-
  1. An example of Secular literature-

III.Answer the following questions:
1.Mention three types of information that coins provide?
2.What kind of information can a historian get from the study of inscriptions?
3.Explain what you understand by BC and A D.
4.What was the progress made by man during the ancient period?

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Class 6-English Holidays Homework

English Holidays Homework

Do it from the printed syllabus
FA 2 -1 and 2.

Monday, 2 May 2016

Class 6-Social Science Holidays Homework

Social Science Holidays Homework

On A4 size sheet draw the diagram 2.6
(pg 15)

Map 3.5 (pg 20)
Map 4.1 (pg 26)

Civics (on A4 or A3 size sheet)
Make a collage on Diversity in India
on any of the following:-

Class 6-Social Science Holidays Homework

Social Science Holidays Homework

On A4 size sheet draw the diagram 2.6
(pg 15)

Map 3.5 (pg 20)
Map 4.1 (pg 26)

Civics (on A4 or A3 size sheet)
Make a collage on Diversity in India
on any of the following:-

Class 6-Social Science Holidays Homework

Social Science Holidays Homework

On A4 size sheet draw the diagram 2.6
(pg 15)

Map 3.5 (pg 20)
Map 4.1 (pg 26)

Civics (on A4 or A3 size sheet)
Make a collage on Diversity in India
on any of the following:-

Class 6-Social Science Holidays Homework

Social Science Holidays Homework

On A4 size sheet draw the diagram 2.6
(pg 15)

Map 3.5 (pg 20)
Map 4.1 (pg 26)

Make a collage on Diversity in India
on any of the following:-

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Class 4-Learning About Maps

L-3 Learning About Maps.

Q1.Name different types of maps?
A1.There are three different types of maps.
1.Physical maps
2.Political maps
3.Thematic maps.

Q2.What is a globe?
A2.A globe is a small ball like model of the earth.

Q3.Write two advantages of maps over globe?
A3.Two advantages of maps over the globe are
1.Maps are easy to carry.
2.A map can give a detailed information,even about the smallest area of the earth.