Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Class 6- History L-1 Revision

Revision History L-1
I.Define the following:
6.Source Material

II.Name the following:
1.A person who studies the past events-
2 .An example of both archaeological and literary source material-
3.An ancient script-
4. An ancient language-
5.writings on walls and rock-
6.Name the island continent on which Bharatavarsha was situated-
7.Who were the first to use the name India?
8.An example of religious literature-
  1. An example of Secular literature-

III.Answer the following questions:
1.Mention three types of information that coins provide?
2.What kind of information can a historian get from the study of inscriptions?
3.Explain what you understand by BC and A D.
4.What was the progress made by man during the ancient period?

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